UX/UI Design Lead - Consultant | 2021-2024

Horizon Blue | NJ, Havas Health Plus | NYC

  • UX/UI Project lead on all Horizon Blue interactive products including consumer portals and mobile apps for Horizon Blue, Braven Health, Horizon Medicare Blue and Horizon NJ Health.
  • Responsible for design and execution of the all Horizon Blue employee internal web portals and apps.
  • Working on various interactive design projects for pharmaceutical companies. Major clients: Merck and Sanofi.

Global Digital UX/UI Design Lead | 2018-2021

Red Fuse (WPP) | NYC

  • Project lead on all Colgate-Palmolive web assets.
  • Created and executed website designs (UX, UI, art direction, design and graphics) for the Softsoap, Irish Spring, Fabuloso, Ajax, Suavitel brands and more.
  • Led and executed information architecture and UX for the Colgate Professional website.
  • Worked on transitioning of the all Colgate-Palmolive websites to the Adobe Experience Manager platform (Web style guides, wireframes and new design templates).

Consulting Sr. Art Director (Web/UI/UX) | 2011-2018

Crowdtap, Harrison & Star, DRAFT FCB, McCann Erickson | NYC

  • Project lead on all client services interactive materials for Crowdtap.com including info-graphics. Major clients: Folgers, Kleenex, Neutrogena, Zep, Schick, Aveeno and more.
  • Led and executed Crowdtap.com marketing materials and campaigns.
  • Created designs for iPad applications, which help pharmaceutical reps. Major clients: Novartis and Roche.
  • Worked on variety of interactive projects including mobile web sites. Major clients: Merck and GlaxoSmithKline.

Sr. Art Director / Sr. Designer (Web/UI/UX) | 2012-2013


  • Led design for the agency's own responsive web site, other web properties and web style guide.
  • Executed interactive projects for the several financial industry clients: CIT, Lord Abbett and Schwab.

Sr. Art Director (Web/UI/UX) | 2009-2011

Unit 7 (Omnicom) | NYC

  • Designed and produced agency's own website.
  • Created several web sites for the education and support needs of diabetic patients for the major pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb and AstraZeneca.
  • Duties included: art direction, original concepts, user flow, site maps, wireframes, interface design, web apps design, info graphics, all site graphics and page templates.

Art Director (Web/UI/UX) | 2007–2009

Weight Watchers International | NYC

  • Led and executed key Weightwatchers.com, web sites design projects, such as Global Meeting Finder, Subscriber’s home page, sign up application and more, which greatly improved user’s experience on Weight Watchers US and international sites.
  • Designed Weight Watchers award wining winter campaign video hub page (2008 Flashforward 1st Prize in Flash and video category).
  • Supervised and mentored senior and junior designers, ensuring their integration in to projects.
  • Created the new templates and oversaw all Weight Watchers foreign direct mail design and integration.

Consulting Art Director | 2006–2007

Bernard Hodes Group (Omnicom), Edelman Worldwide, Deutsch | NYC

  • Executed interactive and print design for Hodes own brand Direct Marketing campaign, including Flash and clay animation promos.
  • Web site design projects for major brand clients: Starbucks, Bayer HealthCare, AutoDesk.
  • Created Flash banners for major hospitality and pharmaceutical clients: Westin, Tylenol.

Consulting Art Director | 2006

Inc.com, Fastcompany.com | NYC

  • Led Inc.com and FastCompany.com websites’ redesign. Was responsible for all aspects of redesign including site architecture, user interface, CSS, look and feel, graphics and promos.
  • Designed brand new site: IncTechnology.com.
  • Created numerous print projects: posters, magazine ads, and street advertisement, also logo designs.
  • Supervised a small crew of web designers and interns.

Consulting Art Director | 2005–2006

Doremus, Eastwest Marketing | NYC

  • Created numerous Flash animated invites and banner projects for Bank of America.
  • Web design: concept, creation and coding of product mini-sites and Flash promos for Kraft Foods and Mega.

Consulting Art Director | 2004–2006

Creative Partners | Stamford, CT

  • Executed principal design and production of various print projects (including but not limited to multi-page brochures, folders, and slip-sheets).
  • Was responsible for concept, design, layout and production of various promotional materials: print collateral, logo design, web pages and PowerPoint presentations.
  • Clients include: Citigroup, Telekurs Financial, iZone, Finlay, Quick.

Consulting Art Director | 2002–2005

The Princeton Review | NYC

  • Was responsible for the company's Direct Marketing Campaign visuals (Direct Mail): HTML mail and newsletters' design and integration, print projects include promotional postcards, posters and brochures.
  • Helped in developing The Princeton Review consumer and ECOS sites. Responsibilities included: layout of the new pages, creating graphics, site icons, production, and supervising integration process (HTML and CSS).

Consulting Art Director | 2001–2002

Lifetime Television / New Media | NYC

  • Was directly responsible for the layout and design of LifetimeTV sweepstakes web pages and LifetimeTV sweepstakes on MSN web site.
  • Created several mini-sites for LifetimeTV.com. Worked closely with marketing professionals in the conceptualization and creation of web pages, promotions, and banners.

Art Director | 1999–2001

ABC.com (Walt Disney) | NYC

  • Conceptualized and designed web pages, graphics and banners for ABC.com website.
  • Took part in the ABC.com site redesign and developing the information architecture.
  • Projects include The View, ABC Fall Preview, Soaps on Tour, ABC Daytime homepage, conceptual designs for ABC homepage, MYABC.com.

Professional Education

Awards, Grants & Fellowships

  • Flashforward 1st Prize in Flash and video category (San Francisco)
  • Fellowship award in the category of Painting from the New York Foundation of the Arts (NYC)
  • Fellowship in the Nordic Arts Center (Helsinki, Finland)
  • Grant of the Soros Center for Contemporary Arts (Vilnius, Lithuania)
  • Grant of the Nordic Information Office (Vilnius, Lithuania)

Vytenis Jankunas is an award winning interactive art and creative director with 15+ years experience in web design. Vytenis is creative, artistic, innovative, with strong background in computer graphics applications, web technology and fine art.

Creative direction, art direction, and principal hands on design for web and mobile devices from sketches trough wire-frames, page templates to final graphics, user experience (UX), user interface (UI), responsive design and testing, full scale websites, web and mobile apps, HTML mail, direct mail, company identity (including logo design), info-graphics and more.

Figma, Sketch, Zeplin, Adobe CS (XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), OmniGraffle, HTML, CSS, MS Office, PowerPoint, Acrobat Professional, QuickTime Pro


84-10 101st Street Apt. AA
Richmond Hill (Queens)
New York 11418